Hey there, CDA Dancers and Happy First Day of Spring!
We hope your Thursday is off to a great start! Even though we wish the rain would go away and let us have sunshine for the first day of spring, we are happy to be connecting with you.
Today we'd like to share with you some ways to keep your muscles trained and ready to return to dancing. Our muscles only retain their current level of strength and stretch if you are consistent in your use of them. You could say our muscles, "Use it or lose it."
No matter your level in our program, we encourage you to keep training. These videos are selected in the playlist because they are geared towards dancers. They require no equipment and you can use a chair or even your kitchen counter for barre workouts! So look through our playlist and pick one to get those muscles working and dance ready!
Stretch and Strength Playlist on CDA's Youtube Channel
We hope you have a wonderful rest of your Thursday and we will check back in tomorrow!
CDA Artistic Staff

*Videos posted on CDA Social Media are not a CDA requirement to use and are provided as an optional way of staying engaged with dance while the studio is closed due to COVID-19 .CDA is not liable for at-home dance related injuries. If using dance videos, the individual must adjust movement to their individual level and space on their own. To adjust the level of choreography to make it more doable :
-Dancers can move smaller,
-Do a only a short part of the combination,
-Learn an 8 count and do it slower to other music.*