Hip Hip Hooray, CDA Dancers!
We've been working on collecting videos from CDA Teachers to keep you dancing at home. We are so excited to share with you the first few classes recorded by our Miss Melissa.
This virtual class is a Ballet class geared toward the 3rd/4th Grade Academy level. Click on the link below to follow along with Miss Melissa and get dancing!

*Videos posted on CDA Social Media are not a CDA requirement to use and are provided as an optional way of staying engaged with dance while the studio is closed due to COVID-19 .CDA is not liable for at-home dance related injuries. If using dance videos, the individual must adjust movement to their individual level and space on their own. To adjust the level of choreography to make it more doable :
-Dancers can move smaller,
-Do a only a short part of the combination,
-Learn an 8 count and do it slower to other music.*